Tidbits about Me

I have always loved to read. Anyone who knows me can attest that I almost always have a book with me, no matter where I am. And my job allows me to interact with kids of all ages. It always puts a smile on my face to be able to see a young reader get excited about a book, or intrigued about reading something new. With the encouragement of friends and family I decided to put my love of books and my love for working with kids into something bigger. So here I am, reading some great books and offering reviews for the benefit of parents, teachers, caregivers and most off all the readers. While most of my reviews may be catered to younger readers I will be reviewing some young adult fiction since there are a lot of great books in both areas. I hope you enjoy the ride and maybe even find your next read! Thanks for checking me out!

7 thoughts on “Tidbits about Me

  1. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! My link is

    Liebster Award

    These are the rules:
    The Liebster Award is awarded to bloggers with under 200 followers to try to promote their blog a little and also bring together a community of bloggers. The rules of the competition are as follows:
    The nominated user must provide a link bank to the person who nominated them.
    Provide 11 facts about yourself.
    Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
    Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.

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